What Is HTML: 16 Advantages And Disadvantages of HTML

HTML5 stands for Hypertext Markup Language version 5 which was released in 2014 by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

This version addresses all issues related to web design & development, including features related to CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets) along with JavaScript enhancements & new APIs.

HTML is an essential part of website development. It’s the foundation of every web page, and it’s the language that browsers and search engines use to display content.


The following are some of the advantages of using HTML:

1. Easy to learn

It is an open standard, which means that it can be used by anyone and everyone. It doesn’t require any extra software or training to learn, and you can even use your browser to create HTML documents. This makes it one of the easiest languages out there.

2. Flexible

There are many different versions of HTML (HTML 4, HTML5), each with its own set of rules for how content should be structured. These rules allow you to create websites that look great on any device – from desktop computers to smartphones; without having to do anything special for each one of them.

3. Readability

The structure of HTML means that it can be read by humans; you don’t need any special software to understand it, which means anyone can view your website and know what’s going on without having to install anything extra.

4. Scalability

You can use the language for any device from desktop computers down to mobile phones, there are no limits on what type of device someone might be using when they visit your site or app!

5. Universal

Any browser can read HTML5 code so your website will work on any device regardless if it’s a mobile phone or desktop computer.

6. It is platform-independent

You can use it on any device with an Internet connection, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer.

7. Portable

Another big advantage of using Hypertext Markup Language is portability: You can use it on virtually any platform, including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux operating systems, or even mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

8. Supports different types of media

For example, you can use HTML5 audio tags to embed sound clips in your page content. Similarly, you can use HTML5 video tags (which support both MP4 and MOV formats) all without having to download any plug-ins or extra software from third parties like Adobe Flash Player ).

9. Open-source

It is an open-source language and this means that anyone can make any changes in the code without any restrictions. This makes it easy to modify or add new features to it according to your requirements.

10. Supports all browsers

HTML5 is compatible with all browsers on every platform including mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets as well as desktop computers and laptops running Windows or Mac OS X operating systems.


Below are the disadvantages of HTML language;

1. It is not a programming language

You have to use it in conjunction with another programming language like JavaScript. This means that you have to write your code twice (once in HTML and once in JavaScript) which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

2. Less powerful

It is less powerful than other web development languages like PHP or Python, which means that you cannot run complex database queries or create new variables within HTML.

You can’t control what’s displayed on the page directly. The browser decides how best to present those elements based on its programming, which may differ from browser to browser.

3. Time-consuming

If you want to create a new webpage then it has to be coded using HTML tags like <p> and <b>. This means that each time you want to change anything on the page, such as adding an image or changing the color of a heading, then you have to change the code manually by editing the file. This can take hours if it’s a large site.

4. Static

It works only on static documents; that means that you can’t use it for creating dynamic web pages like blogs or forums where users interact with each other through comments and messages.

5. Insecure

It’s very easy for someone else to understand what’s going on inside your website because it is very descriptive: It describes every single thing that’s happening on the page with tags like <h1>, <p>, <ul>, etc. This makes it very easy for people who want to steal your content.


HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the language used to write web pages. It is a markup language meaning that it’s made up of codes that tell a browser how to display content on a page.

It is the most basic tool you need to know if you want to learn how to create websites. It gives you the ability to create links; add images and videos; include lists, and format text.

It is a language for describing the structure of a webpage, not its appearance. This means that the language is great for defining the different parts of your page, but it doesn’t tell you how to style them.

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